Entities with spatial information used to store data.


UUID : {202C5DB1-A56D-4004-9CAD-BAAFD8899406}

3-D scatter points object defined by vertices with fixed coordinates in Cartesian system (x, y and z).



1D composite array

[x double, y double, z double]


UUID : {6A057FDC-B355-11E3-95BE-FD84A7FFCB88}

Polyline object defined by a series of line segments (cells) connecting vertices. Data can be associated to either the vertices or cells.


Current line property ID:

str, UUID

Unique identifier of a reference data for naming of curve parts.



Array of int32, shape(N, 2)

Array defining the connection (line segment) between pairs of vertices.



Triangulated mesh object defined by cells (triangles) and vertices.



Array of int32, shape(N, 3)

Array defining the connection between triplets of vertices, representing triangles.

Block model

UUID : {B020A277-90E2-4CD7-84D6-612EE3F25051}

Rectilinear grid of cells defined along three orthogonal axes (U,V and Z) of length nU, nV and nZ respectively. The conversion between the array coordinates of a cell to a 1-D vector index can be calculated from

cell index = k + i*nZ + j*nU*nZ

Without rotation angles, U points eastwards, V points northwards, and Z points upwards. Since their geometry is defined entirely by the additional data described below, block models do not require a Vertices or Cells dataset.


U cell delimiters:

array of double, shape(nU,)

Distances of cell edges from origin along the U axis (first value should be 0)

V cell delimiters:

array of double, shape(nV,)

Distances of cell edges from origin along the V axis (first value should be 0)

Z cell delimiters:

array of double, shape(nZ,)

Distances of cell edges from origin upwards along the vertical axis (first value should be 0)



composite type

[X double, Y double, Z double]

Origin point of grid


double (default) 0 Counterclockwise angle (degrees) of rotation around the vertical axis in degrees.

2D Grid

UUID : {48f5054a-1c5c-4ca4-9048-80f36dc60a06}

Rectilinear grid of cells defined along two orthogonal axes (U and V) of length nU and nV. The conversion between the grid coordinates of a cell to its 1-D vector index can be calculated from

cell index = i + j*nU

Without rotation angles, U points eastwards and V points northwards. Since their geometry is defined entirely by the additional data described below, 2D grids do not require a Vertices or Cells dataset.



composite type

[X double, Y double, Z double]

Origin point of the grid.

U Size:

double Length of U axis

U Count:

double Number of cells along U axis

V Size:

double Length of V axis

V Count:

double Number of cells along V axis


double (Optional) Counterclockwise angle (degrees) of rotation around the vertical axis at the Origin.


char, 0(false, default) or 1(true)) (Optional) If true, V axis is vertical (and rotation defined around the V axis)


UUID : {7CAEBF0E-D16E-11E3-BC69-E4632694AA37}

Object representing boreholes defined by a collar location and survey parameters. Vertices represent points along the drillhole path (support for data rather than the drillhole geometry itself) and must have a Depth property value. Cells contain two vertices and represent intervals along the drillhole path (and are a support for interval data as well). Cells may overlap with each other to accommodate the different sampling intervals of various data.



composite type, shape(3,)

[X double, Y double, Z double]

Collar location



composite array, shape(3,)

[Depth double, Dip double, Azimuth double]

Survey locations


1D composite array

[X double, Y double, Z double]

Points forming the drillhole path from collar to end of hole. Must contain at least two points.


UUID : {77AC043C-FE8D-4D14-8167-75E300FB835A}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Vertices represent the four corners of the geolocated image. No cell data. An object-associated file-type data containing the image to display is expected to exist under this object.


Should be arranged as a rectangle currently, since Geoscience ANALYST does not currently support skewed images.


UUID : {E79F449D-74E3-4598-9C9C-351A28B8B69E}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Has no vertices nor cell data


Target position:

composite type, shape(3,)

[X double, Y double, Z double]

The target location of the label

Label position:

composite type, shape(3,)

[X double, Y double, Z double] (Optional - Defaults to same as target position ) The location where the text of the label is displayed


UUID : {238f961d-ae63-43de-ab64-e1a079271cf5}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented


UUID : {46991a5c-0d3f-4c71-8661-354558349282}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

ioGAS Points

UUID : {d133341e-a274-40e7-a8c1-8d32fb7f7eaf}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Maxwell Plate

UUID : {878684e5-01bc-47f1-8c67-943b57d2e694}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented


UUID : {4ea87376-3ece-438b-bf12-3479733ded46}

Semi-structured grid that stores cells in a tree structure with eight octants.


Octree Cells:

composite type, shape(N, 4)

[I integer, J integer, K integer, NCells integer]

Array defining the position (I, J, K) and size (NCells) of every cell within the base octree grid.



integer Number of base cells along the U-axis.


integer Number of base cells along the V-axis.


integer Number of base cells along the W-axis.


composite type, shape(3,)

[X double, Y double, Z double]

Origin point of the grid.


double (default) 0 Counterclockwise angle (degrees) of rotation around the vertical axis in degrees.

U Cell Size:

double Base cell dimension along the U-axis.

V Cell Size:

double Base cell dimension along the V-axis.

W Cell Size:

double Base cell dimension along the W-axis.

Text Object

UUID : {c00905d1-bc3b-4d12-9f93-07fcf1450270}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Potential Electrode

UUID : {275ecee9-9c24-4378-bf94-65f3c5fbe163}

Curve object representing the receiver electrodes of a direct-current resistivity survey.



json formatted string

Dictionary defining the link between the source and receiver objects.


A-B Cell ID:

Data entity

Reference data named “A-B Cell ID” with association=CELL expected. The values define the source dipole (cell) from the Current Electrode to every potential measurement.

Current Electrode

UUID : {9b08bb5a-300c-48fe-9007-d206f971ea92}

Curve object representing the transmitter electrodes of a direct-current resistivity survey.



json formatted string

Dictionary defining the link between the source and receiver objects. Same definition as the Potential Electrode object.


A-B Cell ID:

Data entity

Reference data named “A-B Cell ID” with association=CELL defining a unique identifier to every unique dipole sources. For “pole” sources, the cell attribute references twice to the same vertex.

VP Model

UUID : {7d37f28f-f379-4006-984e-043db439ee95}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Airborne TEM Rx

UUID : {19730589-fd28-4649-9de0-ad47249d9aba}

Curve object representing an array of time-domain electromagnetic receiver dipoles.






json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters shared with the Transmitters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Time channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    Type of survey from “Rx”, “Tx” or “Tx and Rx”

  • “Loop radius”: double

    Transmitter loop radius.

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to itself.

  • “Survey type”: string

    Defaults to “Airborne TEM”.

  • “Transmitters”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to the linked transmitters entity.

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “Seconds (s)”, “Milliseconds (ms)”, “Microseconds (us)” or “Nanoseconds (ns)”.

  • “Crossline offset property” uuid OR “Crossline offset value” double:

    Offline offset between the receivers and transmitters, either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Inline offset property” uuid OR “Crossline offset value” double:

    Inline offset between the receivers and transmitters, either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Yaw property” uuid OR “Yaw value” double:

    Rotation (angle) of the transmitter loop as measured on the UV-plane (+ clockwise), either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Pitch property” uuid OR “Pitch value” double:

    Tilt angle of the transmitter loop as measured on the VW-plane (+ nose up), either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Roll property” uuid OR “Roll value” double:

    Banking angle of the transmitter loop as measured on the UW-plane (+ right-wing down), either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Waveform” dict:
    • “Discretization” array of double, shape(N, 2):

      Array of times and normalized currents (Amp) describing the source impulse over a discrete interval (e.g. [[t_1, c_1], [t_2, c_2], …, [t_N, c_N]])

    • “Timing mark” double:

      Reference timing mark measured from the beginning of the “Discretization”. Generally used as the reference (t_i=0.0) for the provided data channels: (-) on-time an (+) off-time.

Airborne TEM Tx

UUID : {58c4849f-41e2-4e09-b69b-01cf4286cded}

Curve object representing an array of time-domain electromagnetic transmitter loops.



json formatted string

See definition from the Airborne TEM Rx object. The “Transmitters” uuid value should point to itself, while the “Receivers” uuid refers the linked Airborne TEM Rx object.

Moving Loop Ground TEM Rx

UUID : {41018a45-01a0-4c61-a7cb-9f32d8159df4}

Curve object representing an array of time-domain electromagnetic moving receiver dipoles.






json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters shared with the Transmitters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Time channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    Type of survey from “Rx”, “Tx” or “Tx and Rx”

  • “Loop radius”: double

    Transmitter loop radius.

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to itself.

  • “Survey type”: string

    Defaults to “Ground TEM”.

  • “Transmitters”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to the linked transmitters entity.

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “Seconds (s)”, “Milliseconds (ms)”, “Microseconds (us)” or “Nanoseconds (ns)”.

  • “Waveform” dict:
    • “Discretization” array of double, shape(N, 2):

      Array of times and normalized currents (Amp) describing the source impulse over a discrete interval (e.g. [[t_1, c_1], [t_2, c_2], …, [t_N, c_N]])

    • “Timing mark” double:

      Reference timing mark measured from the beginning of the “Discretization”. Generally used as the reference (t_i=0.0) for the provided data channels: (-) on-time an (+) off-time.

Moving Loop Ground TEM Tx

UUID : {98a96d44-6144-4adb-afbe-0d5e757c9dfc}

Curve object representing an array of time-domain electromagnetic moving transmitter loops.



json formatted string

See definition from the Moving Loop Ground TEM Rx object. The “Transmitters” uuid value should point to itself, while the “Receivers” uuid refers the linked Moving Loop Ground TEM Rx object.

Ground TEM Rx (large-loop)

UUID : {deebe11a-b57b-4a03-99d6-8f27b25eb2a8}

Curve object representing an array of frequency-domain electromagnetic receiver dipoles.



json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters shared with the Transmitters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Time channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    “Tx and Rx”

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to itself.

  • “Survey type”: string

    Defaults to “Ground TEM (large loop)”.

  • “Transmitters”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to the linked transmitters entity.

  • “Tx ID property”: uuid

    Reference to a property containing the transmitter ID for every receiver.

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “Seconds (s)”, “Milliseconds (ms)”, “Microseconds (us)” or “Nanoseconds (ns)”.

  • “Waveform” dict:
    • “Discretization” array of double, shape(N, 2):

      Array of times and normalized currents (Amp) describing the source impulse over a discrete interval (e.g. [[t_1, c_1], [t_2, c_2], …, [t_N, c_N]])

    • “Timing mark” double:

      Reference timing mark measured from the beginning of the “Discretization”. Generally used as the reference (t_i=0.0) for the provided data channels: (-) on-time an (+) off-time.

Ground TEM Tx (large-loop)

UUID : {17dbbfbb-3ee4-461c-9f1d-1755144aac90}

Curve object representing an array of time-domain electromagnetic large transmitter loops.



json formatted string

See definition from the Ground TEM Rx (large-loop) object. The “Transmitters” uuid value should point to itself, while the “Receivers” uuid refers the linked Ground TEM Rx (large-loop) object.

Airborne FEM Rx

UUID : {b3a47539-0301-4b27-922e-1dde9d882c60}

Curve object representing an array of frequency-domain electromagnetic receiver dipoles.






json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters shared with the Transmitters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Frequency channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    Type of survey from “Rx”, “Tx” or “Tx and Rx”

  • “Loop radius”: double

    Transmitter loop radius.

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to itself.

  • “Survey type”: string

    Defaults to “Airborne TEM”.

  • “Transmitters”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to the linked transmitters entity.

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “”Hertz (Hz)”, “KiloHertz (kHz)”, “MegaHertz (MHz)” or “Gigahertz (GHz)”.

  • “Crossline offset property” uuid OR “Crossline offset value” double:

    Offline offset between the receivers and transmitters, either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Inline offset property” uuid OR “Crossline offset value” double:

    Inline offset between the receivers and transmitters, either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Yaw property” uuid OR “Yaw value” double:

    Rotation (angle) of the transmitter loop as measured on the UV-plane (+ clockwise), either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Pitch property” uuid OR “Pitch value” double:

    Tilt angle of the transmitter loop as measured on the VW-plane (+ nose up), either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

  • “Roll property” uuid OR “Roll value” double:

    Banking angle of the transmitter loop as measured on the UW-plane (+ right-wing down), either defined locally on vertices as a property OR globally as a constant value.

Airborne FEM Tx

UUID : {a006cf3e-e24a-4c02-b904-2e57b9b5916d}

Curve object representing an array of frequency-domain electromagnetic transmitter loops.



json formatted string

See definition from the Airborne FEM Rx object. The “Transmitters” uuid value should point to itself, while the “Receivers” uuid refers the linked Airborne FEM Rx object.

Moving Loop Ground FEM Rx

UUID : {a81c6b0a-f290-4bc8-b72d-60e59964bfe8}

Curve object representing an array of frequency-domain electromagnetic moving receiver dipoles.






json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters shared with the Transmitters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Frequency channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    Type of survey from “Rx”, “Tx” or “Tx and Rx”

  • “Loop radius”: double

    Transmitter loop radius.

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to itself.

  • “Survey type”: string

    Defaults to “Ground FEM”.

  • “Transmitters”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to the linked transmitters entity.

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “”Hertz (Hz)”, “KiloHertz (kHz)”, “MegaHertz (MHz)” or “Gigahertz (GHz)”.

Moving Loop Ground FEM Tx

UUID : {f59d5a1c-5e63-4297-b5bc-43898cb4f5f8}

Curve object representing an array of frequency-domain electromagnetic moving transmitter loops.



json formatted string

See definition from the Moving Loop Ground FEM Rx object. The “Transmitters” uuid value should point to itself, while the “Receivers” uuid refers the linked Moving Loop Ground FEM Rx object.

Ground FEM Rx (large-loop)

UUID : {30928322-cf2c-4230-b393-4dc629259b64}

Curve object representing an array of frequency-domain electromagnetic receiver dipoles.



json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters shared with the Transmitters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Frequency channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    “Tx and Rx”

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to itself.

  • “Survey type”: string

    Defaults to “Ground FEM (large loop)”.

  • “Transmitters”: uuid

    Unique identifier referencing to the linked transmitters entity.

  • “Tx ID property”: uuid

    Reference to a property containing the transmitter ID for every receiver.

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “”Hertz (Hz)”, “KiloHertz (kHz)”, “MegaHertz (MHz)” or “Gigahertz (GHz)”.

Ground FEM Tx (large-loop)

UUID : {fe1a240a-9189-49ff-aa7e-6067405b6e0a}

Curve object representing an array of frequency-domain electromagnetic large transmitter loops.



json formatted string

See definition from the Ground FEM Rx (large-loop) object. The “Transmitters” uuid value should point to itself, while the “Receivers” uuid refers the linked Ground FEM Rx (large-loop) object.


UUID : {b99bd6e5-4fe1-45a5-bd2f-75fc31f91b38}

Points object representing a magnetotelluric survey.


json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Frequency channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    Static field set to “Rx only”

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Reference to itself.

  • “Survey type”: string

    Static field set to “Magnetotellurics”

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “Hertz (Hz)”, “KiloHertz (kHz)”, “MegaHertz (MHz)” or “Gigahertz (GHz)”.

Tipper Rx

UUID : {0b639533-f35b-44d8-92a8-f70ecff3fd26}

Curve object representing a tipper survey.


json formatted string

Dictionary of survey parameters. The following items are core parameters stored under the “EM Dataset” key.

  • “Channels”: list of double

    Frequency channels at which data are recorded.

  • “Input type”: string

    Static field set to “Rx and base stations”

  • “Property groups”: list of uuid

    Reference to property groups containing data at every channel.

  • “Receivers”: uuid

    Reference to itself.

  • “Base stations: uuid

    Reference to Tipper Base stations

  • “Survey type”: string

    Static field set to “Magnetotellurics”

  • “Unit”: string

    Sampling units, must be one of “Hertz (Hz)”, “KiloHertz (kHz)”, “MegaHertz (MHz)” or “Gigahertz (GHz)”.

Tipper Base stations

UUID : {f495cd13-f09b-4a97-9212-2ea392aeb375}

Points object representing a tipper survey.


json formatted string

See definition from the Tipper Rx object. The “Base stations” uuid value should point to itself, while the “Receivers” uuid refers the linked Tipper Rx object.

Airborne Gravity

UUID : {b54f6be6-0eb5-4a4e-887a-ba9d276f9a83}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Airborne Magnetics

UUID : {4b99204c-d133-4579-a916-a9c8b98cfccb}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Ground Gravity

UUID : {5ffa3816-358d-4cdd-9b7d-e1f7f5543e05}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Ground Magnetics

UUID : {028e4905-cc97-4dab-b1bf-d76f58b501b5}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented

Ground Gradient IP

UUID : {68b16515-f424-47cd-bb1a-a277bf7a0a4d}

Not yet geoh5py implemented

To be further documented