Source code for

#  Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Geoscience Ltd.
#  This file is part of geoh5py.
#  geoh5py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  geoh5py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#  along with geoh5py.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

import uuid
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, cast, get_args

import numpy as np

from ..shared import EntityType
from .color_map import ColorMap
from .geometric_data_constants import GeometricDataConstants
from .primitive_type_enum import PrimitiveTypeEnum
from .reference_value_map import ReferenceValueMap

    from ..workspace import Workspace
    from .data import Data  # noqa: F401

ColorMapping = Literal["linear", "equal_area", "logarithmic", "cdf", "missing"]

[docs] class DataType(EntityType): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ DataType class. Controls all the attributes of the data type for displays in Geoscience ANALYST. :param workspace: An active Workspace. :param primitive_type: The primitive type of the data. :param color_map: The colormap used for plotting. :param hidden: If the data are hidden or not. :param mapping: The type of color stretching to plot the colormap. :param number_of_bins: The number of bins used by the histogram. :param transparent_no_data: If the no data values are displayed as transparent or not. :param units: The type of the units of the data. :param value_map: Reference value map for to map index with description. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to set as attributes (see :obj:`...shared.entity_type.EntityType`). """ _attribute_map = EntityType._attribute_map.copy() _attribute_map.update( { "Hidden": "hidden", "Mapping": "mapping", "Number of bins": "number_of_bins", "Primitive type": "primitive_type", "Transparent no data": "transparent_no_data", } ) def __init__( self, workspace: Workspace, primitive_type: type[Data] | PrimitiveTypeEnum | str | None = None, color_map: ColorMap | None = None, hidden: bool = False, mapping: ColorMapping = "equal_area", number_of_bins: int | None = None, transparent_no_data: bool = True, units: str | None = None, value_map: dict[int, str] | ReferenceValueMap | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(workspace, **kwargs) self.color_map = color_map self.hidden = hidden self.mapping = mapping self.number_of_bins = number_of_bins self.primitive_type = primitive_type # type: ignore self.transparent_no_data = transparent_no_data self.units = units self.value_map = value_map # type: ignore @classmethod def _for_geometric_data(cls, workspace: Workspace, uid: uuid.UUID) -> DataType: """ Get the data type for geometric data. :param workspace: An active Workspace. :param uid: The uid of the existing data type to get. :return: A new instance of DataType. """ geom_primitive_type = GeometricDataConstants.primitive_type() data_type = cast(DataType, workspace.find_type(uid, DataType)) if data_type is not None: if not data_type.primitive_type == geom_primitive_type: raise ValueError( f"Data type with uid {uid} is not of type {geom_primitive_type}" ) return data_type return cls(workspace, uid=uid, primitive_type=geom_primitive_type) @property def color_map(self) -> ColorMap | None: r""" The Colormap used for plotting The colormap can be set from a dictionary of sorted values with corresponding RGBA color. Or from a numpy array containing the RGBA values. .. code-block:: python color_map = { val_1: [r_1, g_1, b_1, a_1], ..., val_i: [r_i, g_i, b_i, a_i] } It can be set to None if non-existing. """ return self._color_map @color_map.setter def color_map(self, color_map: ColorMap | dict | np.ndarray | None): if isinstance(color_map, dict): color_map = ColorMap(**color_map) elif isinstance(color_map, np.ndarray): color_map = ColorMap(values=color_map) if not isinstance(color_map, (ColorMap, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"Input value for 'color_map' must be of type {ColorMap}," f"numpy.ndarray or dict with 'values'." ) if isinstance(color_map, ColorMap): color_map.parent = self self._color_map: ColorMap | None = color_map self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "color_map")
[docs] @classmethod def for_x_data(cls, workspace: Workspace) -> DataType: """ Get the data type for x data. :param workspace: An active Workspace. :return: A new instance of DataType. """ return cls._for_geometric_data( workspace, GeometricDataConstants.x_datatype_uid() )
[docs] @classmethod def for_y_data(cls, workspace: Workspace) -> DataType: """ Get the data type for y data. :param workspace: An active Workspace. :return: A new instance of DataType. """ return cls._for_geometric_data( workspace, GeometricDataConstants.y_datatype_uid() )
[docs] @classmethod def for_z_data(cls, workspace: Workspace) -> DataType: """ Get the data type for z data. :param workspace: An active Workspace. :return: A new instance of DataType. """ return cls._for_geometric_data( workspace, GeometricDataConstants.z_datatype_uid() )
@property def hidden(self) -> bool: """ If the data are hidden or not. """ return self._hidden @hidden.setter def hidden(self, value: bool): if not isinstance(value, bool) and value != 1 and value != 0: raise TypeError(f"hidden must be a bool, not {type(value)}") self._hidden: bool = bool(value) self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes") @property def mapping(self) -> str: """ The type of color stretching to plot the colormap. It chan be one of the following: 'linear', 'equal_area', 'logarithmic', 'cdf', 'missing' """ return self._mapping @mapping.setter def mapping(self, value: ColorMapping): if value not in get_args(ColorMapping): raise ValueError( f"Mapping {value} was provided but should be one of {get_args(ColorMapping)}" ) self._mapping: str = value self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes") @property def number_of_bins(self) -> int | None: """ The number of bins used by the histogram. It can be None if no histogram is used. """ return self._number_of_bins @number_of_bins.setter def number_of_bins(self, n_bins: int | None): if n_bins is None: pass elif not isinstance(n_bins, (int, np.integer)) or n_bins < 1: raise ValueError( f"Number of bins should be an integer greater than 0 or None, not {n_bins}" ) self._number_of_bins: int | None = n_bins self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes") @property def primitive_type(self) -> PrimitiveTypeEnum | None: """ The primitive type of the data. """ return self._primitive_type @primitive_type.setter def primitive_type(self, value: str | type[Data] | PrimitiveTypeEnum | None): if isinstance(value, str): value = getattr(PrimitiveTypeEnum, value.replace("-", "_").upper()) elif hasattr(value, "primitive_type"): value = getattr(value, "primitive_type")() if not isinstance(value, (PrimitiveTypeEnum, type(None))): raise ValueError( f"Primitive type value must be of type {PrimitiveTypeEnum}, find {type(value)}" ) self._primitive_type = value @property def transparent_no_data(self) -> bool: """ If the no data values are displayed as transparent or not. """ return self._transparent_no_data @transparent_no_data.setter def transparent_no_data(self, value: bool): if not isinstance(value, bool) and value != 1 and value != 0: raise TypeError(f"transparent_no_data must be a bool, not {type(value)}") self._transparent_no_data = bool(value) self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes") @property def units(self) -> str | None: """ The type of the units of the data. """ return self._units @units.setter def units(self, unit: str | None): if not isinstance(unit, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"units must be a string, not {type(unit)}") self._units = unit self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_data_type(workspace: Workspace, attribute_dict: dict): """ Get a dictionary of attributes and validate the type of data. :param workspace: An active Workspace. :param attribute_dict: A dictionary of attributes of the new Datatype to create. :return: A new instance of DataType. """ entity_type = attribute_dict.get("entity_type") if entity_type is None: primitive_type = attribute_dict.get("type") if primitive_type is not None: assert ( primitive_type.upper() in PrimitiveTypeEnum.__members__ ), f"Data 'type' should be one of {PrimitiveTypeEnum.__members__}" entity_type = {"primitive_type": primitive_type.upper()} else: values = attribute_dict.get("values") if values is None or ( isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.floating) ): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "FLOAT"} elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and ( np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.integer) ): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "INTEGER"} elif isinstance(values, str) or ( isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and values.dtype.kind in ["U", "S"] ): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "TEXT"} elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and (values.dtype == bool): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "BOOLEAN"} else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only add_data values of type FLOAT, INTEGER," "BOOLEAN and TEXT have been implemented" ) elif isinstance(entity_type, EntityType) and ( (entity_type.uid not in getattr(workspace, "_types")) or (entity_type.workspace != workspace) ): return entity_type.copy(workspace=workspace) return entity_type
@property def value_map(self) -> ReferenceValueMap | None: r""" Reference value map for to map index with description. The value_map can be set from a dictionary of sorted values int values with text description. .. code-block:: python value_map = { val_1: str_1, ..., val_i: str_i } """ return self._value_map @value_map.setter def value_map(self, value_map: dict[int, str] | ReferenceValueMap | None): if isinstance(value_map, dict): value_map = ReferenceValueMap(value_map) if not isinstance(value_map, (ReferenceValueMap, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"'value_map' must be a {dict} or {ReferenceValueMap} or {type(None)}." ) self._value_map: ReferenceValueMap | None = value_map self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "value_map")