

Groups are simple container for other groups and objects. They are often used to assign special meanings to a collection of entities or to create specialized software functionality.



str Name of the object displayed in the project tree.


str, UUID Unique identifier of the group.


int, 0 or (default) 1 Set visible in the 3D camera (checked in the object tree).


int, 0 or (default) 1 Set accessible in the object tree and other parts of the the user interface.

Clipping IDs:

1D array of UUID (Optional) List of unique identifiers of clipping plane objects.

Allow delete:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) User interface allows deletion.

Allow move:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) User interface allows moving to another parent group.

Allow rename:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) User interface allows renaming.


(int, optional) (Optional) Any additional text attached to the group.

The following section describes the supported group types.


Though this file format technically allows objects/groups to appear within multiple groups simultaneously (overlapping lists), this is not currently supported by Geoscience ANALYST.