Source code for geoh5py.shared.utils

#  Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Geoscience Ltd.
#  This file is part of geoh5py.
#  geoh5py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  geoh5py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#  along with geoh5py.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from import Callable
from contextlib import contextmanager
from io import BytesIO
from json import loads
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from uuid import UUID
from warnings import warn

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .exceptions import Geoh5FileClosedError

    from ..workspace import Workspace
    from .entity import Entity

    "Allow delete": "allow_delete",
    "Allow delete contents": "allow_delete_content",
    "Allow move": "allow_move",
    "Allow move contents": "allow_move_content",
    "Allow rename": "allow_rename",
    "Association": "association",
    "Attributes": "concatenated_attributes",
    "Blob": "BLOB",
    "Boolean": "BOOLEAN",
    "Cell": "CELL",
    "Cells": "cells",
    "Clipping IDs": "clipping_ids: list | None",
    "Collar": "collar",
    "Color map": "color_map",
    "Contributors": "contributors",
    "Concatenated object IDs": "concatenated_object_ids",
    "Cost": "cost",
    "Current line property ID": "current_line_id",
    "Data": "values",
    "DateTime": "DATETIME",
    "Description": "description",
    "Dip": "dip",
    "Distance unit": "distance_unit",
    "Dynamic implementation ID": "dynamic_implementation_id",
    "Duplicate type on copy": "duplicate_type_on_copy",
    "End of hole": "end_of_hole",
    "Face": "FACE",
    "File name": "name",
    "Filename": "FILENAME",
    "Float": "FLOAT",
    "Geometric": "GEOMETRIC",
    "Group": "GROUP",
    "Group Name": "name",
    "GA Version": "ga_version",
    "Hidden": "hidden",
    "Invalid": "INVALID",
    "Integer": "INTEGER",
    "ID": "uid",
    "Last focus": "last_focus",
    "Layers": "layers",
    "Mapping": "mapping",
    "Metadata": "metadata",
    "Modifiable": "modifiable",
    "Multi-Text": "MULTI_TEXT",
    "Name": "name",
    "Number of bins": "number_of_bins",
    "NU": "u_count",
    "NV": "v_count",
    "NW": "w_count",
    "options": "options",
    "Object": "OBJECT",
    "Origin": "origin",
    "Octree Cells": "octree_cells",
    "Partially hidden": "partially_hidden",
    "Planning": "planning",
    "Primitive type": "primitive_type",
    "Prisms": "prisms",
    "Properties": "properties",
    "Property Group IDs": "property_group_ids",
    "Property Group Type": "property_group_type",
    "PropertyGroups": "property_groups",
    "Public": "public",
    "Referenced": "REFERENCED",
    "Rotation": "rotation",
    "Scale": "scale",
    "Surveys": "surveys",
    "Text": "TEXT",
    "Trace": "trace",
    "TraceDepth": "trace_depth",
    "Transparent no data": "transparent_no_data",
    "Unknown": "UNKNOWN",
    "U cell delimiters": "u_cell_delimiters",
    "V cell delimiters": "v_cell_delimiters",
    "Z cell delimiters": "z_cell_delimiters",
    "U Cell Size": "u_cell_size",
    "U Count": "u_count",
    "U Size": "u_cell_size",
    "V Cell Size": "v_cell_size",
    "V Count": "v_count",
    "V Size": "v_cell_size",
    "Vector": "VECTOR",
    "Version": "version",
    "Vertical": "vertical",
    "Vertices": "vertices",
    "Vertex": "VERTEX",
    "Visible": "visible",
    "W Cell Size": "w_cell_size",

KEY_MAP = {value: key for key, value in INV_KEY_MAP.items()}

PNG_KWARGS = {"format": "PNG", "compress_level": 9}
JPG_KWARGS = {"format": "JPEG", "quality": 85}
TIF_KWARGS = {"format": "TIFF"}

    "1": PNG_KWARGS,
    "L": PNG_KWARGS,
    "P": PNG_KWARGS,
    "YCbCr": JPG_KWARGS,
    "I": TIF_KWARGS,
    "F": TIF_KWARGS,

[docs] @contextmanager def fetch_active_workspace(workspace: Workspace | None, mode: str = "r"): """ Open a workspace in the requested 'mode'. If receiving an opened Workspace instead, merely return the given workspace. :param workspace: A Workspace class :param mode: Set the h5 read/write mode :return h5py.File: Handle to an opened Workspace. """ try: geoh5 = None if workspace is None else workspace.geoh5 except Geoh5FileClosedError: geoh5 = None if workspace is None or (geoh5 is not None and mode in workspace.geoh5.mode): try: yield workspace finally: pass else: if geoh5 is not None: warn( f"Closing the workspace in mode '{workspace.geoh5.mode}' " f"and re-opening in mode '{mode}'." ) workspace.close() try: yield finally: workspace.close()
[docs] @contextmanager def fetch_h5_handle(file: str | h5py.File | Path, mode: str = "r") -> h5py.File: """ Open in read+ mode a geoh5 file from string. If receiving a file instead of a string, merely return the given file. :param file: Name or handle to a geoh5 file. :param mode: Set the h5 read/write mode :return h5py.File: Handle to an opened h5py file. """ if isinstance(file, h5py.File): try: yield file finally: pass else: if Path(file).suffix != ".geoh5": raise ValueError("Input h5 file must have a 'geoh5' extension.") h5file = h5py.File(file, mode) try: yield h5file finally: h5file.close()
[docs] def match_values(vec_a, vec_b, collocation_distance=1e-4) -> np.ndarray: """ Find indices of matching values between two arrays, within collocation_distance. :param: vec_a, list or numpy.ndarray Input sorted values :param: vec_b, list or numpy.ndarray Query values :return: indices, numpy.ndarray Pairs of indices for matching values between the two arrays such that vec_a[ind[:, 0]] == vec_b[ind[:, 1]]. """ ind_sort = np.argsort(vec_a) ind = np.minimum( np.searchsorted(vec_a[ind_sort], vec_b, side="right"), vec_a.shape[0] - 1 ) nearests = np.c_[ind, ind - 1] match = np.where( np.abs(vec_a[ind_sort][nearests] - vec_b[:, None]) < collocation_distance ) indices = np.c_[ind_sort[nearests[match[0], match[1]]], match[0]] return indices
[docs] def merge_arrays( head, tail, replace="A->B", mapping=None, collocation_distance=1e-4, return_mapping=False, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Given two numpy.arrays of different length, find the matching values and append both arrays. :param: head, numpy.array of float First vector of shape(M,) to be appended. :param: tail, numpy.array of float Second vector of shape(N,) to be appended :param: mapping=None, numpy.ndarray of int Optional array where values from the head are replaced by the tail. :param: collocation_distance=1e-4, float Tolerance between matching values. :return: numpy.array shape(O,) Unique values from head to tail without repeats, within collocation_distance. """ if mapping is None: mapping = match_values(head, tail, collocation_distance=collocation_distance) if mapping.shape[0] > 0: if replace == "B->A": head[mapping[:, 0]] = tail[mapping[:, 1]] else: tail[mapping[:, 1]] = head[mapping[:, 0]] tail = np.delete(tail, mapping[:, 1]) if return_mapping: return np.r_[head, tail], mapping return np.r_[head, tail]
[docs] def clear_array_attributes(entity: Entity, recursive: bool = False): """ Clear all stashed values of attributes from an entity to free up memory. :param entity: Entity to clear attributes from. :param recursive: Clear attributes from children entities. """ if isinstance(entity.workspace.h5file, BytesIO): return for attribute in [ "vertices", "cells", "values", "prisms", "layers", "octree_cells", ]: if hasattr(entity, attribute): setattr(entity, f"_{attribute}", None) if recursive and hasattr(entity, "children"): for child in entity.children: clear_array_attributes(child, recursive=recursive)
[docs] def are_objects_similar(obj1, obj2, ignore: list[str] | None): """ Compare two objects to see if they are similar. This is a shallow comparison. :param obj1: The first object. :param obj2: The first object. :param ignore: List of attributes to ignore. :return: If attributes similar or not. """ assert isinstance(obj1, type(obj2)), "Objects are not the same type." attributes1 = getattr(obj1, "__dict__", obj1) attributes2 = getattr(obj2, "__dict__", obj2) # remove the ignore attributes if isinstance(ignore, list) and isinstance(attributes1, dict): for item in ignore: attributes1.pop(item, None) attributes2.pop(item, None) return attributes1 == attributes2
[docs] def compare_arrays(object_a, object_b, attribute: str, decimal: int = 6): """ Utility to compare array properties from two Entities :param object_a: First Entity :param object_b: Second Entity :param attribute: Attribute to compare :param decimal: Decimal precision for comparison """ array_a_values = getattr(object_a, attribute) array_b_values = getattr(object_b, attribute) if array_b_values is None: raise ValueError(f"attr {attribute} is None for object {}") if array_b_values.dtype.names is not None: assert all( np.all(array_a_values[name] == array_b_values[name]) for name in array_b_values.dtype.names ), f"Error comparing attribute '{attribute}'." elif len(array_a_values) > 0 and isinstance(array_a_values[0], str): assert all( array_a_values == array_b_values ), f"Error comparing attribute '{attribute}'." else: np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( array_a_values, array_b_values, decimal=decimal, err_msg=f"Error comparing attribute '{attribute}'.", )
[docs] def compare_floats(object_a, object_b, attribute: str, decimal: int = 6): np.testing.assert_almost_equal( getattr(object_a, attribute), getattr(object_b, attribute), decimal=decimal, err_msg=f"Error comparing attribute '{attribute}'.", )
[docs] def compare_list(object_a, object_b, attribute: str, ignore: list[str] | None): get_object_a = getattr(object_a, attribute) get_object_b = getattr(object_b, attribute) assert isinstance(get_object_a, list) assert len(get_object_a) == len(get_object_b) for obj_a, obj_b in zip(get_object_a, get_object_b, strict=False): assert are_objects_similar(obj_a, obj_b, ignore)
[docs] def compare_bytes(object_a, object_b): assert ( object_a == object_b ), f"{type(object_a)} objects: {object_a}, {object_b} are not equal."
[docs] def compare_entities( object_a, object_b, ignore: list[str] | None = None, decimal: int = 6 ) -> None: if isinstance(object_a, bytes): compare_bytes(object_a, object_b) return base_ignore = ["_workspace", "_children", "_visual_parameters", "_entity_class"] ignore_list = base_ignore + ignore if ignore else base_ignore for attr in [k for k in object_a.__dict__ if k not in ignore_list]: if isinstance(getattr(object_a, attr.lstrip("_")), ABC): compare_entities( getattr(object_a, attr.lstrip("_")), getattr(object_b, attr.lstrip("_")), ignore=ignore, decimal=decimal, ) else: if isinstance(getattr(object_a, attr.lstrip("_")), np.ndarray): compare_arrays(object_a, object_b, attr.lstrip("_"), decimal=decimal) elif isinstance(getattr(object_a, attr.lstrip("_")), float): compare_floats(object_a, object_b, attr.lstrip("_"), decimal=decimal) elif isinstance(getattr(object_a, attr.lstrip("_")), list): compare_list(object_a, object_b, attr.lstrip("_"), ignore) else: try: assert np.all( getattr(object_a, attr.lstrip("_")) == getattr(object_b, attr.lstrip("_")) ), ( f"Output attribute '{attr.lstrip('_')}' for {object_a} do " f"not match input {object_b}" ) except AssertionError: pass
[docs] def is_uuid(value: str) -> bool: """Check if a string is UUID compliant.""" try: UUID(str(value)) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def entity2uuid(value: Any) -> UUID | Any: """Convert an entity to its UUID.""" if hasattr(value, "uid"): return value.uid return value
[docs] def uuid2entity(value: UUID, workspace: Workspace) -> Entity | Any: """Convert UUID to a known entity.""" if isinstance(value, UUID): if value in workspace.list_entities_name: return workspace.get_entity(value)[0] # Search for property groups for obj in workspace.objects: if obj.property_groups is not None: prop_group = [ prop_group for prop_group in obj.property_groups if prop_group.uid == value ] if prop_group: return prop_group[0] return None return value
[docs] def str2uuid(value: Any) -> UUID | Any: """Convert string to UUID""" if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode("utf-8") if is_uuid(value): # TODO insert validation return UUID(str(value)) return value
[docs] def as_str_if_uuid(value: UUID | Any) -> str | Any: """Convert :obj:`UUID` to string used in geoh5.""" if isinstance(value, UUID): return "{" + str(value) + "}" return value
[docs] def bool_value(value: np.int8) -> bool: """Convert logical int8 to bool.""" return bool(value)
[docs] def as_str_if_utf8_bytes(value) -> str: """Convert bytes to string""" if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode("utf-8") return value
[docs] def as_float_if_isnumeric(value: str) -> float | str: """Convert bytes to string""" if value.isnumeric(): return float(value) return value
[docs] def str_json_to_dict(string: str | bytes) -> dict: """ Convert a json string or bytes to a dictionary. :param string: The json string or bytes to convert to a dictionary. :return: The dictionary representation of the json string with uuid promoted. """ value = as_str_if_utf8_bytes(string) json_dict = loads(value) for key, val in json_dict.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): for sub_key, sub_val in val.items(): json_dict[key][sub_key] = str2uuid(sub_val) else: json_dict[key] = str2uuid(val) return json_dict
[docs] def ensure_uuid(value: UUID | str) -> UUID: """ Ensure that the value is a UUID. If not, it raises a type error. :param value: The value to ensure is a UUID. :return: The verified UUID. """ value = str2uuid(value) if not isinstance(value, UUID): raise TypeError(f"Value {value} is not a UUID but a {type(value)}.") return value
[docs] def dict_mapper(val, string_funcs: list[Callable], *args, omit: dict | None = None): """ Recursion through nested dictionaries and applies mapping functions to values. :param val: Value (could be another dictionary) to apply transform functions. :param string_funcs: Functions to apply on values within the input dictionary. :param omit: Dictionary of functions to omit. :return val: Transformed values """ if isinstance(val, dict): for key, values in val.items(): short_list = string_funcs.copy() if omit is not None: short_list = [ fun for fun in string_funcs if fun not in omit.get(key, []) ] val[key] = dict_mapper(values, short_list) if isinstance(val, list): out = [] for elem in val: for fun in string_funcs: elem = fun(elem, *args) out += [elem] return out for fun in string_funcs: val = fun(val, *args) return val
[docs] def box_intersect(extent_a: np.ndarray, extent_b: np.ndarray) -> bool: """ Compute the intersection of two axis-aligned bounding extents defined by their arrays of minimum and maximum bounds in N-D space. :param extent_a: First extent or shape (2, N) :param extent_b: Second extent or shape (2, N) :return: Logic if the box extents intersect along all dimensions. """ for extent in [extent_a, extent_b]: if not isinstance(extent, np.ndarray) or extent.ndim != 2: raise TypeError("Input extents must be 2D numpy.ndarrays.") if extent.shape[0] != 2 or not np.all(extent[0, :] <= extent[1, :]): raise ValueError( "Extents must be of shape (2, N) containing the minimum and maximum " "bounds in nd-space on the first and second row respectively." ) for comp_a, comp_b in zip(extent_a.T, extent_b.T, strict=False): min_ext = max(comp_a[0], comp_b[0]) max_ext = min(comp_a[1], comp_b[1]) if min_ext > max_ext: return False return True
[docs] def mask_by_extent( locations: np.ndarray, extent: np.ndarray, inverse: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """ Find indices of locations within a rectangular extent. :param locations: shape(*, 3) or shape(*, 2) Coordinates to be evaluated. :param extent: shape(2, 2) Limits defined by the South-West and North-East corners. Extents can also be provided as 3D coordinates with shape(2, 3) defining the top and bottom limits. :param inverse: Return the complement of the mask extent. :returns: Array of bool for the locations inside or outside the box extent. """ if not isinstance(extent, np.ndarray) or extent.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Input 'extent' must be a 2D array-like.") if not isinstance(locations, np.ndarray) or locations.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "Input 'locations' must be an array-like of shape(*, 3) or (*, 2)." ) indices = np.ones(locations.shape[0], dtype=bool) for loc, lim in zip(locations.T, extent.T, strict=False): indices &= (lim[0] <= loc) & (loc <= lim[1]) if inverse: return ~indices return indices
[docs] def get_attributes(entity, omit_list=(), attributes=None) -> dict: """Extract the attributes of an object with omissions.""" if attributes is None: attributes = {} for key in vars(entity): if key not in omit_list: key = key.lstrip("_") attr = getattr(entity, key) attributes[key] = attr return attributes
[docs] def xy_rotation_matrix(angle: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Rotation matrix about the z-axis. :param angle: Rotation angle in radians. :return rot: Rotation matrix. """ return np.array( [ [np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0.0], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ] )
[docs] def yz_rotation_matrix(angle: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Rotation matrix about the x-axis. :param angle: Rotation angle in radians. :return: rot: Rotation matrix. """ return np.array( [ [1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [0, np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)], ] )
[docs] def dip_points(points: np.ndarray, dip: float, rotation: float = 0) -> np.ndarray: """ Rotate points about the x-axis by the dip angle and then about the z-axis by the rotation angle. :param points: an array of points to rotate :param dip: the dip angle in radians :param rotation: the rotation angle in radians :return: the rotated points """ # Assert points is a numpy array containing 3D points if not isinstance(points, np.ndarray) and points.ndim != 2 and points.shape[1] != 3: raise TypeError("Input points must be a 2D numpy array of shape (N, 3).") # rotate the points about the z-axis by the inverse rotation angle points = xy_rotation_matrix(-rotation) @ points.T # Rotate points with the dip angle points = yz_rotation_matrix(dip) @ points # Rotate back the points to initial orientation points = xy_rotation_matrix(rotation) @ points return points.T
[docs] def set_attributes(entity, **kwargs): """ Loop over kwargs and set attributes to an entity. TODO: Deprecate in favor of explicit attribute setting. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): try: setattr(entity, key, value) except AttributeError: continue
[docs] def map_name_attributes(object_, **kwargs: dict) -> dict: """ Map attributes to an object. The object must have an '_attribute_map'. :param object_: The object to map the attributes to. :param kwargs: Dictionary of attributes. """ mapping = getattr(object_, "_attribute_map", None) if mapping is None: raise AttributeError("Object must have an '_attribute_map' attribute.") new_args = {} for attr, item in kwargs.items(): if attr in mapping: new_args[mapping[attr]] = item else: new_args[attr] = item return new_args
[docs] def map_attributes(object_, **kwargs): """ Map attributes to an object. The object must have an '_attribute_map'. :param entity: The object to map the attributes to. :param kwargs: The kwargs to map to the object. """ values = map_name_attributes(object_, **kwargs) # Swap duplicates set_attributes(object_, **values)
[docs] def stringify(values: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Convert all values in a dictionary to string. :param values: Dictionary of values to be converted. """ string_dict = {} for key, value in values.items(): mappers = [nan2str, inf2str, as_str_if_uuid, none2str] string_dict[key] = dict_mapper(value, mappers) return string_dict
[docs] def to_tuple(value: Any) -> tuple: """ Convert value to a tuple. :param value: The value to convert. :return: A tuple """ # ensure the names are a tuple if isinstance(value, tuple): return value if isinstance(value, list): return tuple(value) return (value,)
[docs] class SetDict(dict): def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs = {k: self.make_set(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} super().__init__(kwargs)
[docs] def make_set(self, value): if isinstance(value, (set, tuple, list)): value = set(value) else: value = {value} return value
def __setitem__(self, key, value): value = self.make_set(value) super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def update(self, value: dict, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore for key, val in value.items(): val = self.make_set(val) if key in self: val = self[key].union(val) value[key] = val super().update(value, **kwargs)
[docs] def inf2str(value): # map np.inf to "inf" if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): return value return str(value) if not np.isfinite(value) else value
[docs] def list2str(value): if isinstance(value, list): # & (key not in exclude): return str(value)[1:-1] return value
[docs] def none2str(value): if value is None: return "" return value
[docs] def nan2str(value): if value is np.nan: return "" return value
[docs] def str2none(value): if value == "": return None return value
[docs] def find_unique_name(name: str, names: list[str]) -> str: """ Get a unique name not in a list of names. :param name: The name to check. :param names: The list of names to avoid. :return: a unique name. """ if name not in names: return name count = 1 while f"{name}({count})" in names: count += 1 return f"{name}({count})"
[docs] def remove_duplicates_in_list(input_list: list) -> list: """ Remove duplicates from a list without changing the sorting. :param input_list: the list to remove duplicates from. :return: The sorted list """ return sorted(set(input_list), key=input_list.index)