Source code for geoh5py.shared.concatenation.property_group

# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
#  Copyright (c) 2025 Mira Geoscience Ltd.                                     '
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#  This file is part of geoh5py.                                               '
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#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by '
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from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from uuid import UUID

import numpy as np

from import Data
from geoh5py.groups.property_group import GroupTypeEnum, PropertyGroup

    from .concatenator import Concatenator
    from .object import ConcatenatedObject

[docs] class ConcatenatedPropertyGroup(PropertyGroup): def __init__(self, parent: ConcatenatedObject, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) @property def concatenator(self) -> Concatenator: """ Parental Concatenator entity. """ return self._parent.concatenator
[docs] def is_collocated( self, locations: np.ndarray, collocation_distance: float, ) -> bool: """ True if locations are collocated with property group. :param locations: Locations to check. :param collocation_distance: tolerance for similarity check. """ if ( self.locations is None or locations.ndim != self.locations.ndim or len(locations) != len(self.locations) or not np.allclose(locations, self.locations, atol=collocation_distance) ): return False return True
@property def locations(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return depths or intervals array if either exists else None.""" if self.depth_ is not None: return self.depth_.values if self.from_ is not None and self.to_ is not None: return np.c_[self.from_.values, self.to_.values] return None @property def depth_(self): if ( is None or len( < 1 or self._property_group_type != GroupTypeEnum.DEPTH ): return None data = self.parent.get_data( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter[0] ) if any(data) and isinstance(data[0], Data) and "depth" in data[0].name.lower(): return data[0] return None @property def from_(self): """Return the data entities defined the 'from' depth intervals.""" if ( is None or len( < 1 or self._property_group_type != GroupTypeEnum.INTERVAL ): return None data = self.parent.get_data( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter[0] ) if any(data) and isinstance(data[0], Data) and "from" in data[0].name.lower(): return data[0] return None @property def to_(self): """Return the data entities defined the 'to' depth intervals.""" if ( is None or len( < 2 or self._property_group_type != GroupTypeEnum.INTERVAL ): return None data = self.parent.get_data( # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter[1] ) if any(data) and isinstance(data[0], Data) and "to" in data[0].name.lower(): return data[0] return None @property def parent(self) -> ConcatenatedObject: return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, parent): if self._parent is not None: raise AttributeError("Cannot change parent of a property group.") if not hasattr(parent, "add_children"): raise ValueError( "The 'parent' of a concatenated data must have an 'add_children' method." ) parent.add_children([self]) self._parent: ConcatenatedObject = parent parent.workspace.add_or_update_property_group(self) def _clear_data_list( self, data: str | Data | Sequence[str | Data | UUID] | UUID ) -> list[str | Data | UUID]: """ Clear the data list of any data that is a depth or from/to data. :param data: List of data to clear. :return: List of data with depth and from/to data removed. """ if isinstance(data, (str, Data, UUID)): data = [data] # avoid suppressing depth and from-to directly avoid = [] if self.depth_ is not None: avoid.extend([self.depth_, self.depth_.uid,]) if self.from_ is not None: avoid.extend([self.from_, self.from_.uid,]) if self.to_ is not None: avoid.extend([self.to_, self.to_.uid,]) return [d for d in data if d not in avoid] def _remove_depth_from_to(self): """ Remove the depth or from/to data from the property group if they are the only properties left. """ if ( self._properties is not None and len(self._properties) == 1 and self.depth_ is not None ): self.depth_.allow_delete = True self._properties.remove(self.depth_.uid) self.parent.remove_children([self.depth_, self]) elif ( self._properties is not None and len(self._properties) == 2 and self.from_ is not None and self.to_ is not None ): self.to_.allow_delete = True self._properties.remove(self.to_.uid) self.parent.remove_children([self.to_]) self.from_.allow_delete = True self._properties.remove(self.from_.uid) self.parent.remove_children([self.from_, self])
[docs] def remove_properties(self, data: str | Data | Sequence[str | Data | UUID] | UUID): """ Remove data from the properties. The property group is removed if only the depth or from/to data are left. :param data: Data to remove. """ data = self._clear_data_list(data) if data: super().remove_properties(data) self._remove_depth_from_to()