Source code for geoh5py.objects.object_base

#  Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Geoscience Ltd.
#  This file is part of geoh5py.
#  geoh5py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  geoh5py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# pylint: disable=R0904

from __future__ import annotations

import uuid
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from import CommentsData, Data, DataAssociationEnum, DataType, VisualParameters
from ..groups import PropertyGroup
from ..shared import Entity
from ..shared.conversion import BaseConversion
from ..shared.entity_container import EntityContainer
from ..shared.utils import clear_array_attributes
from .object_type import ObjectType

    from ..workspace import Workspace

[docs] class ObjectBase(EntityContainer): """ Object base class. """ _attribute_map: dict = EntityContainer._attribute_map.copy() _attribute_map.update( {"Last focus": "last_focus", "PropertyGroups": "property_groups"} ) _converter: type[BaseConversion] | None = None def __init__(self, object_type: ObjectType, **kwargs): assert object_type is not None self._comments = None self._entity_type = object_type self._last_focus = "None" self._property_groups: list[PropertyGroup] | None = None self._visual_parameters: VisualParameters | None = None if not any(key for key in kwargs if key in ["name", "Name"]): kwargs["name"] = type(self).__name__ super().__init__(**kwargs) if == "Entity": = type(self).__name__
[docs] def add_children(self, children: list[Entity | PropertyGroup]): """ :param children: Add a list of entities as :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.children` """ property_groups = self._property_groups or [] prop_group_uids = {prop_group.uid: prop_group for prop_group in property_groups} children_uids = {child.uid: child for child in self._children} for child in children: if child.uid not in children_uids and isinstance( child, (Data, PropertyGroup) ): self._children.append(child) if ( isinstance(child, PropertyGroup) and child.uid not in prop_group_uids ): property_groups.append(child) else: warnings.warn(f"Child {child} is not valid or already exists.") if property_groups: self._property_groups = property_groups
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment: str, author: str | None = None): """ Add text comment to an object. :param comment: Text to be added as comment. :param author: Name of author or defaults to :obj:`~geoh5py.workspace.workspace.Workspace.contributors`. """ date ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if author is None: author = ",".join(self.workspace.contributors) comment_dict = {"Author": author, "Date": date, "Text": comment} if self.comments is None: self.add_data( { "UserComments": { "values": [comment_dict], "association": "OBJECT", "entity_type": {"primitive_type": "TEXT"}, } } ) else: self.comments.values = self.comments.values + [comment_dict]
[docs] def add_data( self, data: dict, property_group: str | PropertyGroup | None = None, compression: int = 5, ) -> Data | list[Data]: """ Create :obj:`` from dictionary of name and arguments. The provided arguments can be any property of the target Data class. :param data: Dictionary of data to be added to the object, e.g. :param property_group: Name or :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. :param compression: Compression level for data. .. code-block:: python data = { "data_A": { 'values': [v_1, v_2, ...], 'association': 'VERTEX' }, "data_B": { 'values': [v_1, v_2, ...], 'association': 'CELLS' }, } :return: List of new Data objects. """ data_objects = [] for name, attr in data.items(): assert isinstance(attr, dict), ( f"Given value to data {name} should of type {dict}. " f"Type {type(attr)} given instead." ) attr["name"] = name self.validate_data_association(attr) entity_type = DataType.validate_data_type(self.workspace, attr) kwargs = {"parent": self, "association": attr["association"]} for key, val in attr.items(): if key in ["parent", "association", "entity_type", "type"]: continue kwargs[key] = val data_object = self.workspace.create_entity( Data, entity=kwargs, entity_type=entity_type, compression=compression ) if not isinstance(data_object, Data): continue if property_group is not None: self.add_data_to_group(data_object, property_group) data_objects.append(data_object) if len(data_objects) == 1: return data_objects[0] return data_objects
[docs] def add_data_to_group( self, data: list[Data | uuid.UUID] | Data | uuid.UUID, property_group: str | PropertyGroup, ) -> PropertyGroup: """ Append data children to a :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` All given data must be children of the parent object. :param data: :obj:`` object, :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.uid` or :obj:`` of data. :param property_group: Name or :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. A new group is created if none exist with the given name. :return: The target property group. """ if isinstance(data, (Data, uuid.UUID)): data = [data] if isinstance(property_group, str): associations = [] for elem in data: if isinstance(elem, uuid.UUID): entity = self.get_entity(elem)[0] elif elem in self.children: entity = elem else: continue if isinstance(entity, Data): associations.append(entity.association) associations = list(set(associations)) if not associations: raise ValueError( "No children data found on the parent object. " "Verify that the list of data or uuid provided are children entities." ) if len(associations) != 1: raise ValueError("All input 'data' must have the same association.") property_group = self.fetch_property_group( name=property_group, association=associations[0] ) property_group.add_properties(data) return property_group
@property def cells(self) -> np.ndarray: """ :obj:`numpy.array` of :obj:`int`: Array of indices defining the connection between :obj:`~geoh5py.objects.object_base.ObjectBase.vertices`. """ @property def comments(self): """ Fetch a :obj:`` entity from children. """ for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, CommentsData): return child return None
[docs] def copy( self, parent=None, copy_children: bool = True, clear_cache: bool = False, mask: np.ndarray | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Function to copy an entity to a different parent entity. :param parent: New parent for the copied object. :param copy_children: Copy children entities. :param clear_cache: Clear cache of data values. :param mask: Array of indices to sub-sample the input entity. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. :return: New copy of the input entity. """ if parent is None: parent = self.parent new_object = self.workspace.copy_to_parent( self, parent, clear_cache=clear_cache, **kwargs, ) if copy_children: children_map = {} for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, PropertyGroup): continue if isinstance(child, Data) and child.association in ( DataAssociationEnum.VERTEX, DataAssociationEnum.CELL, ): child_copy = child.copy( parent=new_object, clear_cache=clear_cache, mask=mask, ) else: child_copy = self.workspace.copy_to_parent( child, new_object, clear_cache=clear_cache ) children_map[child.uid] = child_copy.uid if self.property_groups: self.workspace.copy_property_groups( new_object, self.property_groups, children_map ) new_object.workspace.update_attribute(new_object, "property_groups") return new_object
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def default_type_uid(cls) -> uuid.UUID: """ Default entity type unique identifier """
[docs] @abstractmethod def mask_by_extent( self, extent: np.ndarray, inverse: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray | None: """ Sub-class extension of :func:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.mask_by_extent`. """
@property def entity_type(self) -> ObjectType: """ :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity_type.EntityType`: Object type. """ return self._entity_type @property @abstractmethod def extent(self): """ Geography bounding box of the object. :return: shape(2, 3) Bounding box defined by the bottom South-West and top North-East coordinates. """ @property def faces(self) -> np.ndarray: """Object faces."""
[docs] @classmethod def find_or_create_type(cls, workspace: Workspace, **kwargs) -> ObjectType: """ Find or create a type instance for a given object class. :param workspace: Target :obj:`~geoh5py.workspace.workspace.Workspace`. :return: The ObjectType instance for the given object class. """ kwargs["entity_class"] = cls return ObjectType.find_or_create(workspace, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_property_group(self, name: uuid.UUID | str) -> list: """ Get a child :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` by name. :param name: the reference of the property group to get. :return: A list of children Data objects """ if self._property_groups is None: return [None] entities = [] for child in self._property_groups: if ( isinstance(name, uuid.UUID) and child.uid == name ) or == name: entities.append(child) if len(entities) == 0: return [None] return entities
[docs] def create_property_group( self, name=None, on_file=False, uid=None, **kwargs ) -> PropertyGroup: """ Create a new :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. :param name: Name of the new property group. :param on_file: If True, the property group is saved to file. :param uid: Unique identifier for the new property group. :param kwargs: Any arguments taken by the :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` class. :return: A new :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` """ if self._property_groups is not None and name in [ for pg in self._property_groups ]: raise KeyError(f"A Property Group with name '{name}' already exists.") if "property_group_type" not in kwargs and "Property Group Type" not in kwargs: kwargs["property_group_type"] = "Multi-element" prop_group = PropertyGroup(self, name=name, on_file=on_file, uid=uid, **kwargs) return prop_group
[docs] def fetch_property_group(self, name=None, uid=None, **kwargs) -> PropertyGroup: """ Find or create a PropertyGroup from given name and properties. :param name: Name of the property group. :param uid: Unique identifier for the property group. :param kwargs: Any arguments taken by the :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` class. :return: A new or existing :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` """ prop_group = None if name is not None or uid is not None: prop_group = self.get_property_group(uid or name)[0] if prop_group is None: prop_group = self.create_property_group(name=name, uid=uid, **kwargs) return prop_group
[docs] def find_or_create_property_group( self, name=None, uid=None, **kwargs ) -> PropertyGroup: """ Find or create a PropertyGroup from given name and properties. """ warnings.warn( "The 'find_and_create_property_group' will be deprecated. " "Use fetch_property_group instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.fetch_property_group(name=name, uid=uid, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_data(self, name: str | uuid.UUID) -> list[Data]: """ Get a child :obj:`` by name. :param name: Name of the target child data :return: A list of children Data objects """ entity_list = [] for child in self.get_entity(name): if isinstance(child, Data): entity_list.append(child) return entity_list
[docs] def get_data_list(self, attribute="name") -> list[str]: """ Get a list of names of all children :obj:``. :return: List of names of data associated with the object. """ name_list = [] for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, Data): name_list.append(getattr(child, attribute)) return sorted(name_list)
@property def last_focus(self) -> str: """ :obj:`bool`: Object visible in camera on start. """ return self._last_focus @last_focus.setter def last_focus(self, value: str): self._last_focus = value @property def n_cells(self) -> int | None: """ :obj:`int`: Number of cells. """ if self.cells is not None: return self.cells.shape[0] return None @property def n_vertices(self) -> int | None: """ :obj:`int`: Number of vertices. """ if self.vertices is not None: return self.vertices.shape[0] return None @property def property_groups(self) -> list[PropertyGroup] | None: """ List of :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. """ return self._property_groups
[docs] def remove_children(self, children: list[Entity | PropertyGroup]): """ Remove children from the list of children entities. :param children: List of entities .. warning:: Removing a child entity without re-assigning it to a different parent may cause it to become inactive. Inactive entities are removed from the workspace by :func:`~geoh5py.shared.weakref_utils.remove_none_referents`. """ if not isinstance(children, list): children = [children] for child in children: if child not in self._children: continue if isinstance(child, PropertyGroup) and self._property_groups: self.remove_property_group(child) elif isinstance(child, Data): self.remove_data_from_groups(child) self._children.remove(child) self.workspace.remove_children(self, children)
[docs] def remove_children_values( self, indices: list[int] | np.ndarray, association: str, clear_cache: bool = False, ): if isinstance(indices, list): indices = np.array(indices) if not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Indices must be a list or numpy array.") for child in self.children: if ( hasattr(child, "_values") and isinstance(child.association, DataAssociationEnum) and == association ): # accessing values with no property as the vertices had changed values = getattr(child, "_values", None) if values is None: values = child.workspace.fetch_values(child) child.values = np.delete(values, indices, axis=0) if clear_cache: clear_array_attributes(child)
[docs] def remove_property_group(self, property_group: PropertyGroup): """ Remove a property group from the object. :param property_group: The property group to remove. """ if ( self._property_groups is not None and property_group in self._property_groups ): self._property_groups.remove(property_group)
@property def vertices(self) -> np.ndarray: r""" :obj:`numpy.array` of :obj:`float`, shape (\*, 3): Array of x, y, z coordinates defining the position of points in 3D space. """ @property def locations(self): """Exposes the vertices or centroids of the object.""" out = None if hasattr(self, "vertices"): out = self.vertices if hasattr(self, "centroids"): out = self.centroids return out @property def converter(self): """ :return: The converter for the object. """ return self._converter
[docs] def validate_data_association(self, attribute_dict): """ Get a dictionary of attributes and validate the data 'association' keyword. """ if attribute_dict.get("association") is not None: return if ( getattr(self, "n_cells", None) is not None and attribute_dict["values"].ravel().shape[0] == self.n_cells ): attribute_dict["association"] = "CELL" elif ( getattr(self, "n_vertices", None) is not None and attribute_dict["values"].ravel().shape[0] == self.n_vertices ): attribute_dict["association"] = "VERTEX" else: attribute_dict["association"] = "OBJECT"
[docs] def add_default_visual_parameters(self): """ Add default visual parameters to the object. """ if self.visual_parameters is not None: raise UserWarning("Visual parameters already exist.") self.workspace.create_entity( # type: ignore Data, save_on_creation=True, **{ # type: ignore "entity": { "name": "Visual Parameters", "parent": self, "association": "OBJECT", }, "entity_type": {"name": "XmlData", "primitive_type": "TEXT"}, }, ) return self._visual_parameters
[docs] def remove_data_from_groups( self, data: list[Data | uuid.UUID] | Data | uuid.UUID ) -> None: """ Remove data children to all :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` of the object. :param data: :obj:`` object, :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.uid` or :obj:`` of data. """ if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] if not self._property_groups: return for property_group in self._property_groups: property_group.remove_properties(data)
@property def visual_parameters(self) -> VisualParameters | None: """ Access the visual parameters of the object. """ if self._visual_parameters is None: for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, VisualParameters): self._visual_parameters = child break return self._visual_parameters @visual_parameters.setter def visual_parameters(self, value: VisualParameters): if not isinstance(value, VisualParameters): raise TypeError("visual_parameters must be a VisualParameters object.") self._visual_parameters = value