Source code for

# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
#  Copyright (c) 2025 Mira Geoscience Ltd.                                     '
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#  This file is part of geoh5py.                                               '
#                                                                              '
#  geoh5py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify             '
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by '
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           '
#  (at your option) any later version.                                         '
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#  geoh5py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                  '
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#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                         '
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#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    '
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# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from .data_type import GeometricDataValueMapType, ReferenceDataType
from .geometric_data import GeometricDataConstants
from .integer_data import IntegerData
from .primitive_type_enum import PrimitiveTypeEnum
from .reference_value_map import ReferenceValueMap

[docs] class ReferencedData(IntegerData): """ Reference data described by indices and associated strings. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._data_maps = None super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def data_maps(self) -> dict[str, GeometricDataConstants] | None: """ A reference dictionary mapping properties to numpy arrays. """ if self._data_maps is None and self.metadata is not None: data_maps = {} for name, uid in self.metadata.items(): child = self.workspace.get_entity(uid)[0] if isinstance(child, GeometricDataConstants) and isinstance( child.entity_type, GeometricDataValueMapType ): data_maps[name] = child if data_maps: self._data_maps = data_maps return self._data_maps @data_maps.setter def data_maps(self, data_map: dict[str, GeometricDataConstants] | None): if data_map is not None: if not isinstance(data_map, dict): raise TypeError("Property maps must be a dictionary") for key, val in data_map.items(): if not isinstance(val, GeometricDataConstants): raise TypeError( f"Property maps value for '{key}' must be a 'GeometricDataConstants'." ) if ( not isinstance(val.entity_type, GeometricDataValueMapType) or val.entity_type.value_map is None ): raise ValueError( f"Property maps value for '{key}' must have a " "'GeometricDataValueMapType' entity type and a 'value_map' assigned." ) self.metadata = { child.uid for child in data_map.values()} self._data_maps = data_map if self.on_file: self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "data_map") @property def entity_type(self) -> ReferenceDataType: """ The associated reference data type. """ return self._entity_type @entity_type.setter def entity_type(self, data_type: ReferenceDataType): if not isinstance(data_type, ReferenceDataType): raise TypeError("entity_type must be of type ReferenceDataType") self._entity_type = data_type if self.on_file: self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "entity_type") @property def mapped_values(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The values mapped from the reference data. """ if self.value_map is None: raise ValueError("Entity type must have a value map.") return self.value_map.map_values(self.values)
[docs] @classmethod def primitive_type(cls) -> PrimitiveTypeEnum: return PrimitiveTypeEnum.REFERENCED
@property def value_map(self) -> ReferenceValueMap | None: """ Pointer to the :obj:`data.data_type.DataType.value_map` """ return self.entity_type.value_map
[docs] def remove_data_map(self, name: str): """ Remove a data map from the list of children. :param name: The name of the data map to remove. """ if self.data_maps is None or name not in self.data_maps: return child = self.data_maps[name] child.allow_delete = True self.workspace.remove_entity(child) self.workspace.remove_entity(child.entity_type) del self.data_maps[name] self.data_maps = self._data_maps
[docs] def add_data_map(self, name: str, data: np.ndarray | dict): """ Add a data map to the value map. :param name: The name of the data map. :param data: The data map to add. """ value_map = self.data_maps or {} if name in value_map: raise KeyError(f"Data map '{name}' already exists.") if not isinstance(data, dict | np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Data map values must be a numpy array or dict") if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Data map must be a 2D array") reference_data = ReferenceValueMap(data, name=name) if self.entity_type.value_map is None: raise ValueError("Entity type must have a value map.") if not set(["Key"]).issubset( set(["Key"]) ): raise KeyError("Data map keys must be a subset of the value map keys.") data_type = GeometricDataValueMapType( self.workspace, value_map=reference_data, parent=self.parent, + f": {name}", ) geom_data = self.parent.add_data( { name: { "association": self.association, "entity_type": data_type, } } ) value_map[name] = geom_data self.data_maps = value_map