Usage with Geoscience ANALYST Pro

A ui.json file contains the parameters that reference a Python script to run. Geoscience ANALYST must be configured prior to running the application by setting the path to Python scripts or to a Conda environment as defined by the conda_environment parameter.

run_command str

Name of python script excluding the .py extension (i.e., “run_me” for required for Geoscience ANALYST Pro to run on save or auto-load.

conda_environment str

Optional name of conda environment to activate when running the python script in run_command

title str

Title of user interface window

To complete the example above, add the run_command, and title parameter to the ui.json file.

"grid_object": {
"meshType": ["{B020A277-90E2-4CD7-84D6-612EE3F25051}"],
"main": true,
"label": "Select Block Model",
"value": ""
"title":"My first UI",
"run_command": "run_me"

Within the accompanying python script, the parameters from the ui.json is passed to the python script as a dictionary of arguments, and can be accessed using the InputFile module of geoh5py as shown below:

import sys
from geoh5py.ui_json import InputFile

ui_json = sys.argv[1]
ifile = InputFile.read_ui_json(ui_json)
params =

# Get the block model grid object
bm = params["grid_object"]
print(f"The selected object name is {}")

When a ui.json is run within Geoscience ANALYST Pro, the following parameters are updated or added:

  • The value member is updated with the UUID of the object selected in the UI

  • The enabled member bool is set for whether the parameter is enabled

  • The Data parameter will also have updated isValue and property members. The isValue bool member is true if the value member was selected and false if the property member was selected.

The following JSON objects will be written (and overwritten if given) upon running a ui.json from Geoscience ANALYST Pro:

  • monitoring_directory str the absolute path of a monitoring directory. Workspace files written to this folder will be automatically processed by Geoscience ANALYST.

  • workspace_geoh5 str (Optional) Path to the source geoh5 file (for reference only)

  • geoh5 str the absolute path to the geoh5 written containing all the objects of the workspace within the parameters of the ui.json. One only needs to use this workspace along with the JSON file to access the objects with geoh5py.