# Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Geoscience Ltd.
# This file is part of geoh5py.
# geoh5py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# geoh5py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with geoh5py. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# pylint: disable=R0904
from __future__ import annotations
import uuid
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from geoh5py.shared.utils import str2uuid
from numpy import ndarray
from .. import shared
from ..groups import PropertyGroup
from ..workspace import Workspace
DEFAULT_CRS = {"Code": "Unknown", "Name": "Unknown"}
class Entity(ABC):
Base Entity class
_attribute_map: dict = {
"Allow delete": "allow_delete",
"Allow move": "allow_move",
"Allow rename": "allow_rename",
"Clipping IDs": "clipping_ids: list | None",
"ID": "uid",
"Name": "name",
"Partially hidden": "partially_hidden",
"Public": "public",
"Visible": "visible",
_visible = True
def __init__(self, uid: uuid.UUID | None = None, name="Entity", **kwargs):
self._uid = (
str2uuid(uid) if isinstance(str2uuid(uid), uuid.UUID) else uuid.uuid4()
self._name = name
self._parent: Entity | None = None
self._children: list = []
self._allow_delete = True
self._allow_move = True
self._allow_rename = True
self._partially_hidden = False
self._clipping_ids: list[uuid.UUID] | None = None
self._public = True
self._on_file = False
self._metadata: dict | None = None
for attr, item in kwargs.items():
if attr in self._attribute_map:
attr = self._attribute_map[attr]
setattr(self, attr, item)
except AttributeError:
def add_children(self, children: list[shared.Entity]):
:param children: Add a list of entities as
for child in children:
if child not in self._children:
def add_file(self, file: str):
Add a file to the object or group stored as bytes on a FilenameData
:param file: File name with path to import.
if not Path(file).is_file():
raise ValueError(f"Input file '{file}' does not exist.")
with open(file, "rb") as raw_binary:
blob = raw_binary.read()
name = Path(file).name
attributes = {
"name": name,
"file_name": name,
"association": "OBJECT",
"parent": self,
"values": blob,
entity_type = {"name": "UserFiles", "primitive_type": "FILENAME"}
file_data = self.workspace.create_entity(
None, entity=attributes, entity_type=entity_type
return file_data
def allow_delete(self) -> bool:
:obj:`bool` Entity can be deleted from the workspace.
return self._allow_delete
def allow_delete(self, value: bool):
self._allow_delete = value
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
def allow_move(self) -> bool:
:obj:`bool` Entity can change :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.parent`
return self._allow_move
def allow_move(self, value: bool):
self._allow_move = value
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
def allow_rename(self) -> bool:
:obj:`bool` Entity can change name
return self._allow_rename
def allow_rename(self, value: bool):
self._allow_rename = value
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
def attribute_map(self) -> dict:
:obj:`dict` Correspondence map between property names used in geoh5py and
return self._attribute_map
def children(self):
:obj:`list` Children entities in the workspace tree
return self._children
def clipping_ids(self) -> list[uuid.UUID] | None:
List of clipping uuids
return self._clipping_ids
def mask_by_extent(
self, extent: np.ndarray, inverse: bool = False
) -> np.ndarray | None:
Get a mask array from coordinate extent.
:param extent: Bounding box extent coordinates defined by either:
- obj:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (2, 3)
3D coordinate: [[west, south, bottom], [east, north, top]]
- obj:`numpy.ndarray` of shape (2, 2)
Horizontal coordinates: [[west, south], [east, north]].
:param inverse: Return the complement of the mask extent. Default to False
:return: Array of bool defining the vertices or cell centers
within the mask extent, or None if no intersection.
def create(cls, workspace, **kwargs):
Function to create an entity.
:param workspace: Workspace to be added to.
:param kwargs: List of keyword arguments defining the properties of a class.
:return entity: Registered Entity to the workspace.
entity_type_kwargs = (
{"entity_type": {"uid": kwargs["entity_type_uid"]}}
if "entity_type_uid" in kwargs
else {}
entity_kwargs = {"entity": kwargs}
new_object = workspace.create_entity(
**{**entity_kwargs, **entity_type_kwargs},
return new_object
def coordinate_reference_system(self) -> dict:
Coordinate reference system attached to the entity.
coordinate_reference_system = DEFAULT_CRS
if self.metadata is not None and "Coordinate Reference System" in self.metadata:
coordinate_reference_system = self.metadata[
"Coordinate Reference System"
].get("Current", DEFAULT_CRS)
return coordinate_reference_system
def coordinate_reference_system(self, value: dict):
# assert value is a dictionary containing "Code" and "Name" keys
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise TypeError("Input coordinate reference system must be a dictionary")
if value.keys() != {"Code", "Name"}:
raise KeyError(
"Input coordinate reference system must only contain a 'Code' and 'Name' keys"
# get the actual coordinate reference system
coordinate_reference_system = {
"Current": value,
"Previous": self.coordinate_reference_system,
# update the metadata
metadata = self.metadata
if isinstance(metadata, dict):
metadata["Coordinate Reference System"] = coordinate_reference_system
metadata = {"Coordinate Reference System": coordinate_reference_system}
self.metadata = metadata
def copy(
copy_children: bool = True,
clear_cache: bool = False,
mask: np.ndarray | None = None,
Function to copy an entity to a different parent entity.
:param parent: Target parent to copy the entity under. Copied to current
:obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.parent` if None.
:param copy_children: (Optional) Create copies of all children entities along with it.
:param clear_cache: Clear array attributes after copy to minimize the
memory footprint of the workspace.
:param mask: Array of indices to sub-sample the input entity.
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the copy constructor.
:return entity: Registered Entity to the workspace.
def copy_from_extent(
extent: ndarray,
copy_children: bool = True,
clear_cache: bool = False,
inverse: bool = False,
) -> Entity | None:
Function to copy an entity to a different parent entity.
:param extent: Bounding box extent requested for the input entity, as supplied for
:param parent: Target parent to copy the entity under. Copied to current
:obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.parent` if None.
:param copy_children: (Optional) Create copies of all children entities along with it.
:param clear_cache: Clear array attributes after copy.
:param inverse: Keep the inverse (clip) of the extent selection.
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the copy constructor.
:return entity: Registered Entity to the workspace.
indices = self.mask_by_extent(extent, inverse=inverse)
if indices is None:
return None
return self.copy(
def entity_type(self) -> shared.EntityType:
def fix_up_name(cls, name: str) -> str:
"""If the given name is not a valid one, transforms it to make it valid
:return: a valid name built from the given name. It simply returns the given name
if it was already valid.
# TODO: implement an actual fixup
# (possibly it has to be abstract with different implementations per Entity type)
return name
def get_entity(self, name: str | uuid.UUID) -> list[Entity | None]:
Get a child :obj:`~geoh5py.data.data.Data` by name.
:param name: Name of the target child data
:param entity_type: Sub-select entities based on type.
:return: A list of children Data objects
if isinstance(name, uuid.UUID):
entity_list = [child for child in self.children if child.uid == name]
entity_list = [child for child in self.children if child.name == name]
if not entity_list:
return [None]
return entity_list
def get_entity_list(self, entity_type=ABC) -> list[str]:
Get a list of names of all children :obj:`~geoh5py.data.data.Data`.
:param entity_type: Option to sub-select based on type.
:return: List of names of data associated with the object.
name_list = [
child.name for child in self.children if isinstance(child, entity_type)
return sorted(name_list)
def metadata(self) -> dict | None:
Metadata attached to the entity.
if getattr(self, "_metadata", None) is None:
self._metadata = self.workspace.fetch_metadata(self.uid)
return self._metadata
def metadata(self, value: dict | None):
if value is not None:
assert isinstance(
value, (dict, str)
), f"Input metadata must be of type {dict} or None"
self._metadata = value
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "metadata")
def name(self) -> str:
:obj:`str` Name of the entity
return self._name
def name(self, new_name: str):
self._name = self.fix_up_name(new_name)
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
def on_file(self) -> bool:
Whether this Entity is already stored on
return self._on_file
def on_file(self, value: bool):
self._on_file = value
def parent(self):
return self._parent
def parent(self, parent: shared.Entity):
current_parent = self._parent
if parent is not None:
self._parent = parent
if current_parent is not None and current_parent != self._parent:
def partially_hidden(self) -> bool:
Whether this Entity is partially hidden.
return self._partially_hidden
def partially_hidden(self, value: bool):
self._partially_hidden = value
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
def public(self) -> bool:
Whether this Entity is accessible in the workspace tree and other parts
of the the user interface in ANALYST.
return self._public
def public(self, value: bool):
self._public = value
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
def reference_to_uid(
self, value: Entity | PropertyGroup | str | uuid.UUID
) -> list[uuid.UUID]:
General entity reference translation.
:param value: Either an `Entity`, string or uuid
:return: List of unique identifier associated with the input reference.
children_uid = [child.uid for child in self.children]
if hasattr(value, "uid"):
uid = [value.uid]
elif isinstance(value, str):
uid = [
for obj in self.workspace.get_entity(value)
if (obj is not None) and (obj.uid in children_uid)
elif isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
uid = [value]
return uid
def remove_children(self, children: list[shared.Entity] | list[PropertyGroup]):
Remove children from the list of children entities.
:param children: List of entities
.. warning::
Removing a child entity without re-assigning it to a different
parent may cause it to become inactive. Inactive entities are removed
from the workspace by
if not isinstance(children, list):
children = [children]
self._children = [child for child in self._children if child not in children]
self.workspace.remove_children(self, children)
def save(self, add_children: bool = True):
Alias method of :func:`~geoh5py.workspace.Workspace.save_entity`.
:param add_children: Option to also save the children.
"Entity.save() is deprecated and will be removed in next versions.",
return self.workspace.save_entity(self, add_children=add_children)
def uid(self) -> uuid.UUID:
return self._uid
def uid(self, uid: str | uuid.UUID):
if isinstance(uid, str):
uid = uuid.UUID(uid)
self._uid = uid
def visible(self) -> bool:
Whether the Entity is visible in camera (checked in ANALYST object tree).
return self._visible
def visible(self, value: bool):
self._visible = value
self.workspace.update_attribute(self, "attributes")
def workspace(self) -> Workspace:
:obj:`~geoh5py.workspace.workspace.Workspace` to which the Entity belongs to.
return self.entity_type.workspace