Source code for geoh5py.objects.object_base

#  Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Geoscience Ltd.
#  This file is part of geoh5py.
#  geoh5py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  geoh5py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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# pylint: disable=R0904

from __future__ import annotations

import uuid
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from import CommentsData, Data, VisualParameters
from import DataAssociationEnum
from import PrimitiveTypeEnum
from ..groups import PropertyGroup
from ..shared import Entity
from ..shared.conversion import BaseConversion
from ..shared.utils import clear_array_attributes
from .object_type import ObjectType

    from .. import workspace

[docs] class ObjectBase(Entity): """ Object base class. """ _attribute_map: dict = Entity._attribute_map.copy() _attribute_map.update( {"Last focus": "last_focus", "PropertyGroups": "property_groups"} ) _converter: type[BaseConversion] | None = None def __init__(self, object_type: ObjectType, **kwargs): assert object_type is not None self._comments = None self._entity_type = object_type self._last_focus = "None" self._property_groups: list[PropertyGroup] | None = None # self._clipping_ids: list[uuid.UUID] = [] self._visual_parameters: VisualParameters | None = None if not any(key for key in kwargs if key in ["name", "Name"]): kwargs["name"] = type(self).__name__ super().__init__(**kwargs) if == "Entity": = type(self).__name__
[docs] def add_children(self, children: list[Entity] | list[PropertyGroup]): """ :param children: Add a list of entities as :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.children` """ property_groups = self._property_groups or [] for child in children: if child not in self._children and isinstance(child, (Data, PropertyGroup)): self._children.append(child) if isinstance(child, PropertyGroup) and child not in property_groups: property_groups.append(child) if property_groups: self._property_groups = property_groups
[docs] def add_comment(self, comment: str, author: str | None = None): """ Add text comment to an object. :param comment: Text to be added as comment. :param author: Name of author or defaults to :obj:`~geoh5py.workspace.workspace.Workspace.contributors`. """ date ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if author is None: author = ",".join(self.workspace.contributors) comment_dict = {"Author": author, "Date": date, "Text": comment} if self.comments is None: self.add_data( { "UserComments": { "values": [comment_dict], "association": "OBJECT", "entity_type": {"primitive_type": "TEXT"}, } } ) else: self.comments.values = self.comments.values + [comment_dict]
[docs] def add_data( self, data: dict, property_group: str | PropertyGroup | None = None, compression: int = 5, ) -> Data | list[Data]: """ Create :obj:`` from dictionary of name and arguments. The provided arguments can be any property of the target Data class. :param data: Dictionary of data to be added to the object, e.g. :param property_group: Name or :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. :param compression: Compression level for data. .. code-block:: python data = { "data_A": { 'values': [v_1, v_2, ...], 'association': 'VERTEX' }, "data_B": { 'values': [v_1, v_2, ...], 'association': 'CELLS' }, } :return: List of new Data objects. """ data_objects = [] for name, attr in data.items(): assert isinstance(attr, dict), ( f"Given value to data {name} should of type {dict}. " f"Type {type(attr)} given instead." ) attr["name"] = name self.validate_data_association(attr) entity_type = self.validate_data_type(attr) kwargs = {"parent": self, "association": attr["association"]} for key, val in attr.items(): if key in ["parent", "association", "entity_type", "type"]: continue kwargs[key] = val data_object = self.workspace.create_entity( Data, entity=kwargs, entity_type=entity_type, compression=compression ) if not isinstance(data_object, Data): continue if property_group is not None: self.add_data_to_group(data_object, property_group) data_objects.append(data_object) if len(data_objects) == 1: return data_objects[0] return data_objects
[docs] def add_data_to_group( self, data: list[Data | uuid.UUID] | Data | uuid.UUID, property_group: str | PropertyGroup, ) -> PropertyGroup: """ Append data children to a :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` All given data must be children of the parent object. :param data: :obj:`` object, :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.uid` or :obj:`` of data. :param property_group: Name or :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. A new group is created if none exist with the given name. :return: The target property group. """ if isinstance(data, (Data, uuid.UUID)): data = [data] if isinstance(property_group, str): associations = [] for elem in data: if isinstance(elem, uuid.UUID): entity = self.get_entity(elem)[0] elif elem in self.children: entity = elem else: continue if isinstance(entity, Data): associations.append(entity.association) associations = list(set(associations)) if not associations: raise ValueError( "No children data found on the parent object. " "Verify that the list of data or uuid provided are children entities." ) if len(associations) != 1: raise ValueError("All input 'data' must have the same association.") property_group = self.find_or_create_property_group( name=property_group, association=associations[0] ) property_group.add_properties(data) return property_group
@property def cells(self): """ :obj:`numpy.array` of :obj:`int`: Array of indices defining the connection between :obj:`~geoh5py.objects.object_base.ObjectBase.vertices`. """ @property def comments(self): """ Fetch a :obj:`` entity from children. """ for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, CommentsData): return child return None
[docs] def copy( self, parent=None, copy_children: bool = True, clear_cache: bool = False, mask: np.ndarray | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Function to copy an entity to a different parent entity. :param parent: New parent for the copied object. :param copy_children: Copy children entities. :param clear_cache: Clear cache of data values. :param mask: Array of indices to sub-sample the input entity. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. :return: New copy of the input entity. """ if parent is None: parent = self.parent new_object = self.workspace.copy_to_parent( self, parent, clear_cache=clear_cache, **kwargs, ) if copy_children: children_map = {} for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, PropertyGroup): continue if isinstance(child, Data) and child.association in ( DataAssociationEnum.VERTEX, DataAssociationEnum.CELL, ): child_copy = child.copy( parent=new_object, clear_cache=clear_cache, mask=mask, ) else: child_copy = self.workspace.copy_to_parent( child, new_object, clear_cache=clear_cache ) children_map[child.uid] = child_copy.uid if self.property_groups: self.workspace.copy_property_groups( new_object, self.property_groups, children_map ) new_object.workspace.update_attribute(new_object, "property_groups") return new_object
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def default_type_uid(cls) -> uuid.UUID: """ Default entity type unique identifier """
[docs] @abstractmethod def mask_by_extent( self, extent: np.ndarray, inverse: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray | None: """ Sub-class extension of :func:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.mask_by_extent`. """
@property def entity_type(self) -> ObjectType: """ :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity_type.EntityType`: Object type. """ return self._entity_type @property @abstractmethod def extent(self): """ Geography bounding box of the object. :return: shape(2, 3) Bounding box defined by the bottom South-West and top North-East coordinates. """ @property def faces(self): """Object faces."""
[docs] @classmethod def find_or_create_type( cls, workspace: workspace.Workspace, **kwargs ) -> ObjectType: """ Find or create a type instance for a given object class. :param workspace: Target :obj:`~geoh5py.workspace.workspace.Workspace`. :return: The ObjectType instance for the given object class. """ return ObjectType.find_or_create(workspace, cls, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_property_group(self, name: uuid.UUID | str) -> list: """ Get a child :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` by name. :param name: the reference of the property group to get. :return: A list of children Data objects """ if self._property_groups is None: return [None] entities = [] for child in self._property_groups: if ( isinstance(name, uuid.UUID) and child.uid == name ) or == name: entities.append(child) if len(entities) == 0: return [None] return entities
[docs] def create_property_group( self, name=None, on_file=False, **kwargs ) -> PropertyGroup: """ Create a new :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. :param kwargs: Any arguments taken by the :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` class. :return: A new :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` """ if self._property_groups is not None and name in [ for pg in self._property_groups ]: raise KeyError(f"A Property Group with name '{name}' already exists.") if "property_group_type" not in kwargs and "Property Group Type" not in kwargs: kwargs["property_group_type"] = "Multi-element" prop_group = PropertyGroup(self, name=name, on_file=on_file, **kwargs) return prop_group
[docs] def find_or_create_property_group( self, name=None, uid=None, **kwargs ) -> PropertyGroup: """ Find or create :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` from given name and properties. :param kwargs: Any arguments taken by the :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` class. :return: A new or existing :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` """ prop_group = None if name is not None or uid is not None: prop_group = self.get_property_group(uid or name)[0] if prop_group is None: prop_group = self.create_property_group(name=name, **kwargs) return prop_group
[docs] def get_data(self, name: str | uuid.UUID) -> list[Data]: """ Get a child :obj:`` by name. :param name: Name of the target child data :return: A list of children Data objects """ entity_list = [] for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, Data): if ( isinstance(name, uuid.UUID) and child.uid == name ) or == name: entity_list.append(child) return entity_list
[docs] def get_data_list(self, attribute="name") -> list[str]: """ Get a list of names of all children :obj:``. :return: List of names of data associated with the object. """ name_list = [] for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, Data): name_list.append(getattr(child, attribute)) return sorted(name_list)
@property def last_focus(self) -> str: """ :obj:`bool`: Object visible in camera on start. """ return self._last_focus @last_focus.setter def last_focus(self, value: str): self._last_focus = value @property def n_cells(self) -> int | None: """ :obj:`int`: Number of cells. """ if self.cells is not None: return self.cells.shape[0] return None @property def n_vertices(self) -> int | None: """ :obj:`int`: Number of vertices. """ if self.vertices is not None: return self.vertices.shape[0] return None @property def property_groups(self) -> list[PropertyGroup] | None: """ List of :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup`. """ return self._property_groups
[docs] def remove_children(self, children: list[Entity] | list[PropertyGroup]): """ Remove children from the list of children entities. :param children: List of entities .. warning:: Removing a child entity without re-assigning it to a different parent may cause it to become inactive. Inactive entities are removed from the workspace by :func:`~geoh5py.shared.weakref_utils.remove_none_referents`. """ if not isinstance(children, list): children = [children] for child in children: if child not in self._children: continue self._children.remove(child) if not self._property_groups: continue if isinstance(child, PropertyGroup): self._property_groups.remove(child) elif isinstance(child, Data): self.remove_data_from_groups(child) self.workspace.remove_children(self, children)
[docs] def remove_children_values( self, indices: list[int] | np.ndarray, association: str, clear_cache: bool = False, ): if isinstance(indices, list): indices = np.array(indices) if not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Indices must be a list or numpy array.") for child in self.children: if ( getattr(child, "values", None) is not None and isinstance(child.association, DataAssociationEnum) and == association ): child.values = np.delete(child.values, indices, axis=0) if clear_cache: clear_array_attributes(child)
@property def vertices(self): r""" :obj:`numpy.array` of :obj:`float`, shape (\*, 3): Array of x, y, z coordinates defining the position of points in 3D space. """ @property def converter(self): """ :return: The converter for the object. """ return self._converter
[docs] def validate_data_association(self, attribute_dict): """ Get a dictionary of attributes and validate the data 'association' keyword. """ if attribute_dict.get("association") is not None: return if ( getattr(self, "n_cells", None) is not None and attribute_dict["values"].ravel().shape[0] == self.n_cells ): attribute_dict["association"] = "CELL" elif ( getattr(self, "n_vertices", None) is not None and attribute_dict["values"].ravel().shape[0] == self.n_vertices ): attribute_dict["association"] = "VERTEX" else: attribute_dict["association"] = "OBJECT"
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_data_type(attribute_dict): """ Get a dictionary of attributes and validate the type of data. """ entity_type = attribute_dict.get("entity_type") if entity_type is None: primitive_type = attribute_dict.get("type") if primitive_type is not None: assert ( primitive_type.upper() in PrimitiveTypeEnum.__members__ ), f"Data 'type' should be one of {PrimitiveTypeEnum.__members__}" entity_type = {"primitive_type": primitive_type.upper()} else: values = attribute_dict.get("values") if values is None or ( isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and (values.dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]) ): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "FLOAT"} elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and ( values.dtype in [np.uint32, np.int32] ): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "INTEGER"} elif isinstance(values, str): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "TEXT"} elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and (values.dtype == bool): entity_type = {"primitive_type": "BOOLEAN"} else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only add_data values of type FLOAT, INTEGER," "BOOLEAN and TEXT have been implemented" ) return entity_type
[docs] def add_default_visual_parameters(self): """ Add default visual parameters to the object. """ if self.visual_parameters is not None: raise UserWarning("Visual parameters already exist.") self.workspace.create_entity( # type: ignore Data, save_on_creation=True, **{ # type: ignore "entity": { "name": "Visual Parameters", "parent": self, "association": "OBJECT", }, "entity_type": {"name": "XmlData", "primitive_type": "TEXT"}, }, ) return self._visual_parameters
[docs] def remove_data_from_groups( self, data: list[Data | uuid.UUID] | Data | uuid.UUID ) -> None: """ Remove data children to all :obj:`~geoh5py.groups.property_group.PropertyGroup` of the object. :param data: :obj:`` object, :obj:`~geoh5py.shared.entity.Entity.uid` or :obj:`` of data. """ if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] if not self._property_groups: return for property_group in self._property_groups: property_group.remove_properties(data)
@property def visual_parameters(self) -> VisualParameters | None: """ Access the visual parameters of the object. """ if self._visual_parameters is None: for child in self.children: if isinstance(child, VisualParameters): self._visual_parameters = child break return self._visual_parameters @visual_parameters.setter def visual_parameters(self, value: VisualParameters): if not isinstance(value, VisualParameters): raise TypeError("visual_parameters must be a VisualParameters object.") self._visual_parameters = value