Usage with Geoscience ANALYST Pro ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A ui.json file contains the parameters that drive an accompanying Python script. In order to use the ui.json file to run the Python script in ANALYST, it must contain a few required parameters that include the **run_command**, **conda_environment**, and **title**. - **run_command** ``str`` Name of python script excluding the .py extension (i.e., "run_me" for required for Geoscience ANALYST Pro to run on save or auto-load. - **conda_environment** ``str`` [Optional] Name of conda environment to activate when running the python script in *run_command* - **title** ``str`` Title of user interface window To complete the block model example, the **run_command**, **conda_environment**, and **title**, parameters may be added to the ui.json file. .. code-block:: json { "grid_object": { "meshType": ["{B020A277-90E2-4CD7-84D6-612EE3F25051}"], "main": true, "label": "Select Block Model", "value": "" }, "title":"My first UI", "run_command": "run_me", "conda_environment": "my_env" } .. figure:: ./images/block_model_uijson.png Within the accompanying python script, the parameters from the ui.json may be accessed using the InputFile module of geoh5py as shown below: .. code-block:: python import sys from geoh5py.ui_json import InputFile ui_json = sys.argv[1] ifile = InputFile.read_ui_json(ui_json) params = # Get the block model grid object bm = params["grid_object"] print(f"The selected object name is {}") .. figure:: ./images/block_model_output.png When a **ui.json** is run within Geoscience ANALYST Pro, the following parameters are updated or added: - The **value** member of the **grid_object** parameter is updated with the UUID of the object selected in the UI. - The :ref:`enabled ` member of the **grid_object** is set for whether the parameter is enabled. The **enabled** state can be modified by making the parameter (group) :ref:`optional ` or a (group) :ref`dependency ` of another parameter (group). - The **isValue** and **property** members of any :ref:`Data parameter ` are also updated . The **isValue** ``bool`` member is *true* if the **value** member was selected and *false* if the **property** member was selected. The following JSON objects will be written (and overwritten if given) upon running a ui.json from Geoscience ANALYST Pro: - **monitoring_directory** ``str`` the absolute path of a monitoring directory. Workspace files written to this folder will be automatically processed by Geoscience ANALYST. - **workspace_geoh5** ``str`` (Optional) Path to the source geoh5 file (for reference only) - **geoh5** ``str`` the absolute path to the geoh5 written containing all the objects of the workspace within the parameters of the **ui.json**. One only needs to use this workspace along with the JSON file to access the objects with geoh5py.