Source code for geoh5py.objects.surveys.electromagnetics.ground_tem

# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
#  Copyright (c) 2025 Mira Geoscience Ltd.                                     '
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#  This file is part of geoh5py.                                               '
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# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches

from __future__ import annotations

import uuid

from .base import LargeLoopGroundEMSurvey, MovingLoopGroundEMSurvey, TEMSurvey

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors, no-member
# mypy: disable-error-code="attr-defined"

[docs] class MovingLoopGroundTEMSurvey(TEMSurvey, MovingLoopGroundEMSurvey): @property def default_metadata(self) -> dict: """ Default dictionary of metadata for AirborneTEM entities. """ return { "EM Dataset": { "Channels": [], "Input type": "Tx and Rx", "Loop radius": 1, "Property groups": [], "Receivers": None, "Survey type": "Ground TEM", "Transmitters": None, "Unit": "Milliseconds (ms)", "Waveform": {"Timing mark": 0.0}, } } @property def default_receiver_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return MovingLoopGroundTEMReceivers @property def default_transmitter_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return MovingLoopGroundTEMTransmitters
[docs] class MovingLoopGroundTEMReceivers(MovingLoopGroundTEMSurvey): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ Airborne time-domain electromagnetic receivers class. """ _TYPE_UID = uuid.UUID("{41018a45-01a0-4c61-a7cb-9f32d8159df4}") __TYPE = "Receivers" _transmitters: MovingLoopGroundTEMTransmitters | None = None _default_name = "Airborne TEM Rx" @property def complement(self): return self.transmitters @property def default_transmitter_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return MovingLoopGroundTEMTransmitters @property def type(self): """Survey element type""" return self.__TYPE
[docs] class MovingLoopGroundTEMTransmitters(MovingLoopGroundTEMSurvey): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ Airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic transmitters class. """ _TYPE_UID = uuid.UUID("{98a96d44-6144-4adb-afbe-0d5e757c9dfc}") __TYPE = "Transmitters" _default_name = "Ground TEM Tx" @property def complement(self): return self.receivers @property def default_receiver_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return MovingLoopGroundTEMReceivers @property def type(self): """Survey element type""" return self.__TYPE
[docs] class LargeLoopGroundTEMSurvey(TEMSurvey, LargeLoopGroundEMSurvey): @property def default_metadata(self) -> dict: """ Default dictionary of metadata for AirborneTEM entities. """ return { "EM Dataset": { "Channels": [], "Input type": "Tx and Rx", "Property groups": [], "Receivers": None, "Survey type": "Ground TEM (large-loop)", "Transmitters": None, "Unit": "Milliseconds (ms)", "Waveform": {"Timing mark": 0.0}, } } @property def default_receiver_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return LargeLoopGroundTEMReceivers @property def default_transmitter_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return LargeLoopGroundTEMTransmitters
[docs] class LargeLoopGroundTEMReceivers(LargeLoopGroundTEMSurvey): """ Ground time-domain electromagnetic receivers class. """ _TYPE_UID = uuid.UUID("{deebe11a-b57b-4a03-99d6-8f27b25eb2a8}") __TYPE = "Receivers" _transmitters: LargeLoopGroundTEMTransmitters | None = None _default_name = "Ground TEM Rx" @property def complement(self): return self.transmitters @property def default_transmitter_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return LargeLoopGroundTEMTransmitters @property def type(self): """Survey element type""" return self.__TYPE
[docs] class LargeLoopGroundTEMTransmitters(LargeLoopGroundTEMSurvey): """ Ground time-domain electromagnetic transmitters class. """ _TYPE_UID = uuid.UUID("{17dbbfbb-3ee4-461c-9f1d-1755144aac90}") __TYPE = "Transmitters" _receivers: LargeLoopGroundTEMReceivers | None = None _default_name = "Ground TEM Tx" @property def complement(self): return self.receivers @property def default_receiver_type(self): """ :return: Transmitter class """ return LargeLoopGroundTEMReceivers @property def type(self): """Survey element type""" return self.__TYPE